IPV6 Networking Protocol Upgrade Services
Migration from IPv4 to IPv6 for networking products has increased product acceptance and demand for the leading provider of the network traffic, application performance management and business continuity solutions
Key Requirement
- Making the existing data structures used in the kernel compatible with IPv6 addresses.
- Preventing duplicate address detection since the IPv6 VIP being added on the active interface, triggers duplicate address detection. Requirement for special handling of the IPv6 packets.
- Since the product is supported on multiple OS platforms, it was required to maintain the code base platform neutral as much as possible. Know More >>
Key Contributions
- A setup of IPv6 enabled cluster was done to test the product on a virtualized environment. Various IPv6 enabled applications were deployed for doing the load balancing test for them.
- A cluster consisting of different guest operating systems was specially developed to test the product for load balancing across different mix of platforms.
- A load generating utility was developed to generate IPv6 traffic for testing the product with varying intensity of load for long duration, to test the product for performance, stability and scalability. Know More >>
- By establishing a multi-faceted team in India, our client was able to augment the product development teams, thus increasing the engineering bandwidth in a cost-effective manner.
- The increased engineering bandwidth helped our client to simultaneously enhance the existing product functionality and re-architect the product to support IPv6 protocol, thus achieving time-to-market and cost goals. Know More >>