Migrating an Identity Resolution software to open source
A leading developer and provider of identity resolution software, eliminated commercial licenses and distribution cost involved in building Web UI by migrating from ExtJS to open source platform JQuery.
Key Requirements
- Replication of the two user interfaces of the solution namely for management and desktop
- Management application is the administrative interface in which the search criteria fed are reflected in the Desktop application to search and resolve an identity of any person
- Desktop application being the main interface is used to find or track the information of any given individual or entity. Know More >>
Key Contribution
- Created a reusable framework using modular pattern which is more configurable and maintainable.
- Created a replica of EXTJS desktop in JQuery with all of the required functions like search, discover, decide, cases, favorites.
- Developed a replica of EXTJS IMS in JQuery which enables administrating the search criteria in desktop application for resolving an identity as per the vertical Industry. Know More >>
- Solved client's cost issues from the original web, within aggressive timelines.
- Enabled export functionalities to various file formats. Know More >>