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Unleash True Product Value With Ecosystem Engineering

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Customer demand for cloud-ready solutions and enhanced digital user experiences requires a new generation of products that can operate across diverse platform ecosystems. To innovate in this space, you must modernize the way you build and deliver products. Components must be designed for interoperability and extensibility ­-- from on-premises, multi-cloud and hybrid IT to constantly expanding ecosystems.

This requires multi-disciplinary collaboration, experimentation and testing to optimize product performance. With this shared knowledge, your team, in tandem with Xoriant, will be able to maximize and extend your products’ lifetime value.

Key Focus Areas

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Ecosystems Unlock Product Value

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60% of executives say ecosystems are the way to develop and co-create products, drive growth and unlock trillions of dollars of value for businesses over the next 10 years.

Source: Accenture

Many ecosystems currently don’t live up to their potential. Why?

Evolve and Scale With Ecosystems

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Enterprises need to pick their ecosystem partners wisely, as they will play a major role in evolving and scaling enterprise infrastructures moving forward. The critical time frame for this trend is 2020 to 2023.

Source: Gartner

CTOs and business leaders consider ecosystems a strategic advantage.

Open API Ecosystems

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By 2023, G2000 leaders will prioritize business objectives over infrastructure choice, deploying 50% of new strategic workloads using vendor-specific APIs that add value but reduce workload portability.

Source: IDC

Ecosystem expansion is the way forward to product success.

Ecosystems: New Change Agent

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76% of business leaders agree current business models will be unrecognizable in the next 5 years— and ecosystems will be the main change agent.

Source: Accenture

Now is the time to realize the full potential of ecosystems.

Speak With a Xoriant Technical Architect Today
Ecosystem Expansion Blog

We aim to give you value indicators to build a successful infrastructure ecosystem expansion by virtue of standardized open API, composable infrastructure, microservice architecture, software-defined approach, interoperability, and portability.

On-Demand Webinar - Robust Ecosystem

We talk you through building a robust ecosystem to ensure your product’s extensibility and interoperability

Case Study - Product Extensibility
Case Study

Improved the ability of the client’s Technical Operations arm to deliver certified configurations, with reduced overall cost of operation. Hiring in-house experts for certification process would have escalated the cost of operations otherwise.

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