Cloud Mobile Storage Case Study
Introduced a blackberry smartphone application to extend the reach of cloud based content management and file sharing solution to serve growing customer base
Key Reuirements
- Making application compatible with different Blackberry handsets.
- Porting on different handsets with minimum possiblel changes to achieve quick time-to-market.
- Achieving user acceptance benchmarks: Acceptance from 1000 external users in first month after beta launch. Know More >>
Key Contributions
- Design and development of a native BlackBerry application having rich user interface, which leverages online storage functionality on mobile devices. The user interface design was designed in tabular format which gives a user access to all features of the product without navigating away from the main screen.
- Provided multiple carrier & device support – Provided a generic code to support different protocols of different carriers. Modular design enabled the code to be ported to any BlackBerry device and required minimum UI changes which was done by modifying style sheets. Know More >>
- The production release on the first devise was made available in as soon as 4 weeks time due to agile delivery methodology.
- The development time for the second device was 4 weeks, which was reduced to 2.5 weeks for the second and third device due to creation of reusable components. Know More >>