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Xoriant Continuous Delivery Accelerator

Xoriant Marketing
Xoriant Continuous Delivery Accelerator

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Xoriant provides DevOps as a practice of operations and development where engineers participate together in the product release lifecycle, from design through the release as part of "Continuous Delivery". Xoriant has been involved in providing DevOps Services to customers for their mission critical cloud infrastructure and applications environments thus facilitating application deployment and automation.

Xoriant's DevOps Center of Excellence has developed a proprietary Xoriant Continuous Delivery Accelerator (XCDA) to tightly integrate Source Code repository, Continuous Integration Server, Artifactory Management Server and Application Server which makes one cluster of Build and Release.

XCDA is made of two key components Continuous Integration Engine and Build Verification Engine. It is a combination of Puppet framework and shell script which can be plugged in to any Agile/Waterfall based project which uses cloud based servers. The Accelerator generates test results in the HTML format thereby making it easy to access and analyze. The Build Verification Engine takes care of the configuration sanity and Application Server for each new Server provision.


  • Plugs in to any Agile/Waterfall based project which uses Cloud based servers with minimum customization
  • Manages archive of the artifacts, where team can revert back to any version of the code at any point of time
  • Provides sanity check at every phase of project


  • Reduces build and deployment time by 30%
  • Provides transparency of complete flow from raw code to the production ready artifacts
  • Reduces Time to market
  • Reduces leakage of bugs at the production level
  • Simplifies Automation, as it runs automated tests making use of continuous integration server prior to deploying to application server
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